Law 163.03 states that Floridians cannot hang their clothes on a clothesline to dry. I hope this means everyone will have free dryers! Unfortunately, among Florida`s strange laws, this is one of the most recent to settle a HOA disagreement. I mean, is the clothesline itself banned? The mere existence of a clothesline really encourages hanging clothes on a leash. Most of us have heard the crazy stories about the plethora of crazy laws that every state still has in its books. More than anywhere else, this is true for the Midwestern border states. Im 18. and 19. In the nineteenth century, as North American settlers began to itch real estate and follow in the footsteps of pioneers of exploration Lewis and Clark westward, it quickly became necessary for our emerging civilization to pass improvised laws that solved immediate problems without really thinking about the longevity of legislation. Just be sure to shave or wax thoroughly when you do.

Otherwise, you`re violating completely different laws that aren`t unique to Florida. Of course, this is one of the strange laws in Florida that is only right. If you want to park your elephant, you have to pay like everyone else! Of course, it might have been easier to pass a law banning elephants from being tied to parking meters, but hey, who are we to judge? This is one of the strange laws in Florida that is especially disturbing when you think about the popular spring break destination in Florida. Spring break usually involves a lot of singing and lots of swimsuits, and eventually these two will mix up! Of all the things that get into trouble with the law during spring break, singing in a swimsuit is not one of them. Thanks to the efforts of the Humane Society of the United States, many laws prevent the inhumane treatment of animals – including the non-confinion of pregnant pigs in cages except for veterinary purposes. What the hell, as long as I can publicly float an unlimited amount of airy cookies until 5:59:59, I`m good. Even Dracula had his curfew, now I have mine. Talk about strange laws in Florida. Most of the time, however, the “Florida man” is not breaking one of Florida`s strange laws, but one of the most important. Good luck, you don`t see things any differently after counting how many of these strange Florida laws have broken you and your friends! There are so many things to do in Florida, but make sure you don`t break any of these weird laws! While this may be one of the strange laws in Florida that could actually be helpful to society, it`s still absurd to think that chatting with a friend could lead you to break a law.

Chapter 836 of the Florida Regulations highlights exactly what you can`t say or do when you admit you`re talking about another person! Probably the worst thing I`ve found in my research on crazy laws in Florida isn`t even a law. No, it`s so ingrained in the fabric of Florida law that they`ve made it a part of the Florida state constitution! This is one of the strange laws in Florida that is not just a law, but a crime itself! Who knows why Florida has decided that men can`t show off their beautiful strapless dresses, but the rule of thumb is that you should just plug in the suspenders and remove them when the cops show up! If you liked this article about strange laws in Florida, be sure to read 4 interesting things about the Manhattan Public Library. This of the strange laws in Florida must be aimed at schoolchildren, but how can we blame them for reacting when the teacher asks what sound an elephant makes? It turns out that Florida creates criminals at the age of 5! Times have certainly changed, but the number of bizarre laws is piling up in Florida`s law books. Below, we`ve compiled eight of the strangest and most obscure laws in the state of Florida. What do you think of these strange laws in Florida? Some sound a bit dated, right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section! Or if you have more fun facts about Florida that you`d like to share, be sure to call them too! Florida has a reputation for being a very bizarre and unusual state. These laws, which I have listed here, certainly do not deter this idea. These are the 11 strangest laws in Florida! These are categorized from “Strange” to “Strange”, “Weird” and “Good God, what were these people thinking?!” In the city of Pensacola, walking down the street is considered illegal. However, like most strange laws in Florida, this one needs further explanation. Does it only affect those who literally climb into a barrel and roll down the street? Or is it “running” the road by walking at a considerable speed? I hope my lawyer knows! Of course, Florida is also often mentioned in newspapers with rather bizarre headlines. “Florida Man” — a notorious character who does the strangest things — is someone I`m sure we`ve all heard of.

After reading the headlines about it, we probably wouldn`t be surprised to learn that there are some weird laws in Florida. But that`s only until we read them. Let me tell you, some of these weird laws in Florida are weird! Florida has strange criminals, so it seems entirely appropriate that we have weird old laws in the books. Judging by the appearance of these obscure laws, Florida Man has been around for a long time. Did you know that all of these things are technically illegal in our state? Here are just 15 illegal things in Florida. Well, that`s one of the weird laws in Florida that I can support. Of course, I would not want to park at an intersection, and I hope my colleagues will not want to either. However, knowing that there is a law, I wonder who thought it was a good idea and who therefore initiated the introduction of the law. For the avoidance of doubt, some of these laws are not part of Florida as a whole, but only of certain Florida cities or towns.

Therefore, some Miami Beach laws may not apply to Tampa. Although others still affect the entire state. Some of them are fined, while others face jail time. Keep in mind that these laws were probably made because there were people who did these absurd things. So, without further ado, let`s get started: Well, that`s it for this list of 24 of Florida`s most sensationally bizarre laws. There`s a good chance we`ll be releasing more in the near future, so we hope you like and follow our site and check back regularly for new posts like this, or maybe even better. Now, horse stealing is not something people should do, but of Florida`s strange laws, this one might be the most intense. I really don`t think hanging is a punishment we should inflict for anything, especially theft. And how can you steal a horse? Of course, some of the strange laws in Florida are simply outdated. Living with a partner before marriage was much more taboo in 1868, when the law was introduced. But hey, maybe it could be used as an excuse to move if someone doesn`t do their fair share of the laundry! The Sunshine State has passed many laws in its 176-year history.

Some of these laws probably made sense in the early years after the state joined the Union, but seem completely strange in our modern environment.